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5 facts on why scalability is essential for online businesses

By 19 July 2022September 17th, 2024No Comments

Revenue, profit, growth. That’s what businesses sought after. 

Scalability is a term often used to describe growth and it’s part of a company’s strategy for expansion. In eCommerce it can mean accommodating the needs of your business’s online growth or diversifying your offer. This diversification can happen geographically (expanding to a different market) or in product development (coming up with different product designs or features).

Often associated with large enterprises, scalability is pivotal to medium and small scale businesses.

Why? You’re at the right place to figure that out. We bring you five reasons why scalability is essential for online businesses.

1. It’s a competitive market out there

Online commerce has never been more popular. At this point in time, 93.5% of global internet users have purchased products online and, by 2040, it’s estimated that 95% of all purchases will be through eCommerce.

It’s great news!

However, the competition has never been fiercer. There are an estimated 12-24 million (!!!) eCommerce websites around the world.

Simple marketing and sales techniques are not enough in a booming market like the online one.

Companies have to upscale quickly to stay ahead of the competition and investment is the easiest way to do it. Innovation is another way. 3D configuration can be the perfect solution and we explain all about that in this article (you seriously have to read it, it’s so good).

2. Saves time and resources in the long run

Scaling up processes early on will allow you to save time later on as you progress as a company. It will be easier to penetrate different markets and have trained employees who can be confident about your product and internal processes.

Scaling your business, later on, is also doable. Sometimes you don’t have enough time or the team is still too small or you haven’t found the right strategy yet. But, it’s better to do it sooner than later and automate certain aspects so you can have an optimized workflow.

3. Makes it easy to go international

Scalability is important if you want to go international. Your internal processes must be ready to expand to different areas and your product has to be relevant and easy to produce.

3D configuration can also be the right choice for those who require manufacturing in different locations and places with different languages. Why?

Because with a 3D configurator, there’s no getting it wrong. Translate the configurator and you have an up and running business in that market. Also, your manufacturers will receive all the materials, quantities features that the product requires as the order is completed. No need to go back and forth with changes.

Having a scalable strategy right away will ensure the process runs as smoothly as possible.

scalability strategy, word strategy is written in scrabble-like style

4. Retains efficiency

Solid scalability strategies mean that you’ll be able to expand without sacrificing the quality of your product, whether you add new layers to it or explore a new market.

Horizontal scalability strategies will ensure that once you upscale to other locations, the product and the customer experience will not be affected.

Vertical scalability strategies will enable you to add more value to your existing product without needing to explore more expensive ways of growth.

All this helps retain efficiency.

5. It can be the perfect way of using your existing resources

As said before, scalability is often associated with heavy investment, both time and financial.

It’s difficult to find a scaling up solution that doesn’t require a lot of hours, a lot of research, and tons of difficult decisions.

3D configuration bypasses those hardships. 

It’s easy to integrate into your existing business and it uses your current resources. Of course, some training is needed to make sure your team knows how to work with a configurator, but you won’t need more sales power or even developers to scale up your product when needed. 

A financial investment is also required, but you’ll be creating an entire business proposition that you can use for as long as your online business exists. 

A few other words on 3D configuration and scalability

Scalability is what most companies want to achieve. From small scale businesses to medium or large scale ones, continuous ways of growing is their main goal.

Innovation is a great way to ensure that you are staying ahead of the curve in your industry and 3D configuration can provide that. 

You’ll be empowering your customer to personalize or customize your offer, you’ll be able to easily add features to your products and create new ones using the configurator library. Finally, you’ll have access to valuable data on what your clients are creating. All this will allow your company to tackle both horizontal and vertical scalability. 

It’s within your reach. Grab it!

Did you like this article on scalability? Then check out our entry on how you can upscale your online business with 3D configuration here

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