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Trends in e-commerce are constantly changing, and that’s no secret. In fact, you’re probably finding it quite difficult to keep up with online shopping trends. But, by staying up to date on the latest, means that you can ensure the best customer experience possible. 

Psst…here are just five e-commerce trends in 2022 that you can’t afford to ignore! 

Curious about the future of e-commerce and how you can keep up with the latest e-commerce trends? Get in touch!

E-commerce Trend #1: Chatbots

Whether on social media or on your website, chatbots are one tool that many e-commerce companies (and other industries) are benefiting from. Not only do they add to the customer experience, but they can work to save your business time, effort, and money. 

They can be used to answer common questions so your customer service representatives don’t have to. They also solve more complex problems with the right data, or assist your customers with sales. With chatbot setup, you won’t lose out on all those late night shoppers just because you don’t have a representative around. 

Chatbots are the employees that never sleep – they’re around 24/7, and just one of the mobile e-commerce solutions you need. Already a popular e-commerce trend in customer support, it’s expected that 85% of customer interaction will be handled without a human representative this year. AI and data are only making chatbots more intuitive, so the programs tied to this e-commerce trend in 2022 will become more powerful and more evolved as time goes by.


E-commerce Trend #2: Personalization

With all the sales and marketing noise out there, it’s no surprise that personalization is one e-commerce trend your business can’t ignore. This is the case for both B2B and B2C companies. Your customers are looking for unique, personalized experiences, personalized product recommendations, and detailed customer services based on their wishes.

Don’t take our word for it… One study actually found that adding personalization to the mix increased revenue by 25%. Always keep in mind that data is essential! The more data you have on your audience and their shopping habits, the easier and more accurate personalization can be. Use this online shopping trend on your website, campaigns, email, social media, text messages, and other marketing outreach.

Personalization can be time consuming, we know that! So we suggest that you tier up your audience, and personalize your marketing efforts for those who sit on that top tier!


E-commerce Trend #3: AI and Data

AI (Artificial Intelligence) and data go hand-in-hand with personalization and chatbots, but they also deserve their own mention as an e-commerce trend in 2022. Data is essential to learning about your customers, who is your real audience? What products are they drawn to? When are they more active? E-commerce businesses are only getting smarter about how they read and use data. Is your e-commerce company taking advantage of the numbers yet? It should be a part of your marketing, sales, and overall business strategy. And as the data changes, so should your approach.

AI, when set to the right metrics, can then use that data to improve your business efforts. The information it delivers allows you to provide those personalized experiences. Some softwares provide you with some intel on what companies are visiting your website, others can actually help you find the contact info of people who work on those companies… 

Imagine the possibilities of what can be done with all that juicy intel? It’s part of the future of e-commerce indeed. Would you like to know more about AI softwares that can help you fuel your outbound efforts? Let us know!AI can also help you when crafting your multi-channel marketing strategy. Your tactics will fit the right customers at the right time and place as they move along the funnel. A great e-commerce trend that will help you boost sales!


E-commerce Trend #4: Augmented Reality

Augmented reality, or AR, is another e-commerce trend that’s taking off, especially in light of the pandemic. With limited in-store shopping experiences, mobile e-commerce is on the rise. AR is transforming online shopping trends, allowing your customers to see products as realistic as possible, from the comfort of their own home. 

AR makes it easier to see products in a context: furniture within a room, shoes in a cupboard, and even get a 360° view of an item – before making a purchase.

It has been found that 35% of people would be shopping online more if they could virtually try on a product. And not only does this e-commerce trend lead to more sales, but AR has been known to reduce return rates tremendously. Impressive, right?


E-Commerce Trend #5: New Payment Options

Payment options are changing rapidly, and it can be difficult for businesses to keep up. Online shopping trends have been around for a while and they’re only ramping up. Are you offering your customers the ability to buy from a smart device yet? Four out of five Americans are online shoppers with over 50% of those having bought from mobile e-commerce. And this number is only growing.

The future of e-commerce suggests that companies need to pay attention to new payment methods such as digital wallets. Some businesses are even starting to accept Bitcoin and other cryptocurrency, while others are offering more in the way of financing. That’s why offering several payment options is a must e-commerce trend!

Is this all folks?

E-commerce has come a long way, rapidly evolving over the past few decades, and we both know it’s not over yet! If you sell online, it’s pivotal that you keep up with the latest e-commerce trends and adjust your processes and strategies accordingly. 

Will you be adding any of these five trends to your list this year?

Customers are more demanding nowadays. It’s not only about the purchase, it’s about the buying experience. A check-up on the online shopping trends should always be in your calendar. 

Standing out from the crowd is tricky, but with 3D product configuration and AR tools, you’ll be one step ahead.

Let us help you in crafting an e-commerce plan for your products that’ll increase sales, improve the customer experience, and reduce overall costs. Book a demo!

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