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How to create a sustainable business with 3D configuration and augmented reality?

By 5 August 2022September 17th, 2024No Comments

As of 2022, 81% of consumers indicate that sustainability is a priority for them and almost 80% of retailers believe that their sustainability work increases customer loyalty. They are not wrong.

eCommerce is committed to stepping up its game and having a sustainable business is on almost every company’s main strategy plan.

Going greener is on their books, but the problem is: how to do it. How to embrace sustainability in an efficient way?

3D configuration and Augmented Reality might be the solutions companies are looking for in order to have a more sustainable business.

What is 3D configuration?

3D configuration elevates product experience as it allows customers to perceive what is online as if they were in a store. How?

Well for starters, a 3D configurator that uses 3D models of products has to be integrated into a website, and that´s it.

After that, shoppers can view and change product attributes. For example, when buying a car, it could include modifying its color, upgrading the wheels, or adding internal features such as an upgraded stereo or touchscreen.

The product isn’t a static image but a detailed render that the customer can inspect from every angle. Using a phone, tablet, or computer, they can zoom in or out, examining a 360° image of a product before it’s ever produced. 

The ability to rotate the product and zoom in on it enables customers to “feel” for the textures, details, and quality. As a result, customers are more engaged and inspired in their shopping journey. The sensorial journey is upgraded when 3D configuration is combined with Augmented Reality.

a hand holding a phone and a chair in AR for a sustainable business

What is Augmented Reality?

Augmented Reality aka AR, is a feature where the real and virtual worlds meet. It can be helpful throughout the day to experience online content experience the in same way one experiences the real world. The ability to place virtual objects in the physical world can help people understand the product better and improve the shopping experience.

Augmented reality is essentially a way of presenting a 3D effect on a 2D screen which is why, in association with a 3D configurator, it provides the ultimate customer experience. Shoppers can feel the product and place it in their desired context, see if it fits the room or if the color is the right one for them.

Leading the way to a sustainable business

3D configuration in association with AR can help companies have a more sustainable business. With the current technology, it’s a misconception to consider that sustainability is expensive or unreachable. A 3D configurator can be the perfect solution for those online businesses that want to implement more environmentally friendly policies while reducing costs. This is why 3D configuration can help eCommerce businesses get there.

Fewer returns

A 3D configurator integrated onto a website decreases returns by empowering the customer in the buying journey.

Online shopping is fraught with danger for customers, who face a significant dilemma when clicking the button to buy.

Even when buying online from brands they know and love, they can’t be sure:

  • What they’re buying
  • If the product fits their style
  • The product material meets their specifications and quality
  • Which accessories match the product

As an outcome, a massive 25% of items bought online are returned after purchase. 

This costs online retailers billions every year. What’s more, the higher the sales, the bigger the cost implications. 

Allowing personalization means that the product resonates with the buyer on a deeper level. This means fewer returns (up to 40% less). Fewer returns also mean less shipment. Cutting on shipment of returned items results in less transportation, which leads to less gas emissions, one of the major problems in the retail sector.

save money infographic to a sustainable business

Less storage maintenance

Implementing a 3D configurator means businesses will transform their production method from make-to-stock to make-to-order. This means companies will work on-demand and only produce what is ordered.

This way of manufacturing leads to fewer storage needs and logistics pressures on companies. Less storage means smaller electric bills, and saving on energy, another problem companies face when trying to have a more sustainable business.

Less manufacturing waste

Going from make-to-stock to make-to-order is associated with less manufacturing waste. Why? 

Quite simply because companies only manufacture what is ordered, which is a bespoke way of producing. Mass manufacturing often leads to more waste because there’s no attention to the product’s specificities. Once something is highly customizable, the materials used and the processes are much more efficient and well-controlled, which ultimately leads to less manufacturing waste.

A great way to move towards a sustainable business.

Less inventory waste

Very much like in the manufacturing process, having custom products tailored to clients’ needs means nothing is wasted. There are no unsold products, nothing to be dumped in landfill. 

This helps reduce the waste of both money and materials. It’s a great way to build an environmentally-friendly brand, which is actually something that many clients search for these days.

Fewer products also mean that there’s no longer the need to stock on unnecessary materials and have thousands upon thousands of unsold items in some dusty storage.

With 3D configuration, companies will be creating their own digital showroom at the same time they cut on waste coming from the inventory.

Did you like this article on how to create a more sustainable business? Then read our article on eCommerce scalability 

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